
Feel free to comment under any topics with anecdotes or pictures of your own. Your stories might be included in my upcoming book!

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Monday, March 28, 2011


Post your stories from church here.


  1. Some of my favorite memories from the First Assembly of God involve the old stairs leading up to the balcony. The entire sanctuary had been redone with modern carpet, but the stairs and the balcony still had orange 1980s carpet covering the floor and the pews. My friends and I would take our breaks between praise and worship practice and drama practice on Sundays to sneak into the kitchen, grab some snacks and drinks, and head up to sit on the stairs. These were our own: no one paid attention to the stairs, no one could hear us. It was here that we found our sanctuary to talk about the burning topics that consumed our 13 year old minds. The stairs and balcony were both redone in the past few years to be modern and more accessible, and now people sit in the balcony for almost every church service. The orange stairs are no longer our own, but they hold a dear place in our hearts.

    -Danni Powell, Class of 2007

  2. My favorite thing about Muldrow is the people. I was heavily involved in the youth group at the local Assembly of God, and through my experiences with the church, school, and local merchants I have found that everyone greets you with a smile and "how are ya" or waves as they pass you in traffic. The people of Muldrow are the heart of Muldrow. As part of the youth group we would participate in regional and national fine arts competition. I remember traveling on tour buses across the U. S. to get to the national tournament. One particular event I participated in was Drama Solo. Me and my youth pastor at the time wrote a sketch with me playing the Crocodile Hunter and talking about how the dangerous animals are like sin. That year the competition took place in Washington, D.C. and was the first time I had been outside of Oklahoma, Arkansas, or Missouri. The trip was a ton of fun and even though I didn't win it was still a great experience.

    -Dylan Medeiros, Class of 2007

  3. While I didn't attend a church in Muldrow, I really appreciated how excepting of an outsider of a different denomination they were. I enjoyed attending church services at the First Assembly of God and spent many bus trips and lunch periods explaining and comparing beliefs. It was always fun when pastors would come to school lunches and we even ended up making jokes about our beliefs.

    -Rebecca Bedford, Class of 2007
