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Monday, March 28, 2011

Favorite Teachers

Comment on this post about your favorite teachers.


  1. My favorite teacher was and is Mrs. White. She taught English both my Sophomore and Junior year in advanced courses. Although English and Literature were the course titles, Mrs. White taught more about life and being true to yourself to each and everyone of her students. Not only did she teach us about wonderful literature and how to read and write like a true connoisseur of knowledge, but she taught us how to delve into and analyze everyday life. She showed me how to open my eyes and take it all in. She is largely responsible for my going to college and deciding to become a professor.

    -Dylan Medeiros, Class of 2007

  2. One of my favorite high-school teachers was a man by the name of Paul Gibson. He taught History and Social Studies. He's not my favorite teacher because of his wonderful lectures or caring nature. He is one of my favorite teachers because of his warped, funny and make-you-think teaching styles. This man loved teaching and sharing about WWII. My father fought during WWII in Europe. Audie Murphy, the famous war hero turned movie star was in my daddy's regiment. As a matter of fact, Daddy said his regiment had captured Hitler's hideout ( Hitler had committed suicide of course). I had grown up watching old war movies starring Audie and other actors. Because of this fact, I was fully interested in learning about the details, the whys and hows of that war.

    Mr. Gibson, in his scheming style, would teach about WWII. We would have discussions and lectures about it. He would tease us by telling of a film he would be showing us about the war. We asked him daily, "When are you going to show us that film?" His response was always, "On chicken day". Finally, after all our hard work and study, Mr. Gibson announced we would watch the documentary about WWII and the battle against the Evil Hitler Army!

    We were full of anticipation as Mr. Gibson pulled the reel to reel projector into the classroom. We waited patiently as he placed the reels in their places. We all sat excitedly as the film began. We moaned as the filmstrip broke shortly after beginning and had to sit and wait as he scotch taped the film back together. As the film full of WWII atrocities continued again, he stood and leaned on his desk. I am not by any means making fun of the poor souls who were tortured and killed at the hands of Hitler's minions. My father had been there risking his own life to safe them! But, as we watched the people crawling unable to walk from starvation to a trash can to dig out the old, stinky, crusty remains of filth on the sides on the metal trash cans and eat it.... he would look at us and smile; watching us grimace. The film showed hundreds of bodies being bulldozed into mass burial holes; the bodies did not look human, they were so skeletal... no muscle.... only skin and bone....like chicken....

    When the film was over, after we students had said our "gross!" "sick!" and "why did you have to show us that's!" He said be thankful you live in The United States of America" and that his generation did what they could to defeat evil people like Hitler, but now it was our generations turn... and our civil duty, to see that nothing like that ever happened again.

    The class ended and the lunch bell rang. The lunch menu that day, Chicken. As we walked out of his class, Mr. Gibson said snickering, "Enjoy the chicken."

    -Anon., Class of 1983
