
Feel free to comment under any topics with anecdotes or pictures of your own. Your stories might be included in my upcoming book!

When you comment, underneath the box where your text goes there is an option saying "Comment as:". You may select Name/URL and submit under your name, or as "anonymous" if you do not wish for your name to be included, but please remember to include the year of the story or your year of graduation, if from Muldrow. If you have trouble submitting, try Preview and be sure to enter the spam prevention letters.

Be sure to check out my pictures of town I have posted!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

School Pictures

Here's my album of school pictures taken in January of 2011.  Click the link below to see them!

Elementary School, 2011

Kindergarten building, 2011

Elementary playground, 2011

Elementary playground, 2011

Elementary playground, 2011

Elementary playground, 2011

Elementary marquee, 2011

Middle school gym, 2011

Middle School gym, 2011

Middle school, 2011

Middle school, 2011

Middle school, 2011

Middle school, 2011

Middle school, 2011

Middle school, 2011

Middle school, 2011

Middle school, 2011

Middle school marquee, 2011

Guest entrance to football stadium, 2011

Guest entrance to football stadium, 2011

Home stands at football stadium, 2011

Home stands at football stadium, 2011

Sign over weight room, 2011

Football stadium scoreboard, 2011

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