
Feel free to comment under any topics with anecdotes or pictures of your own. Your stories might be included in my upcoming book!

When you comment, underneath the box where your text goes there is an option saying "Comment as:". You may select Name/URL and submit under your name, or as "anonymous" if you do not wish for your name to be included, but please remember to include the year of the story or your year of graduation, if from Muldrow. If you have trouble submitting, try Preview and be sure to enter the spam prevention letters.

Be sure to check out my pictures of town I have posted!

About This Website

A Snapshot In History began as a senior project in Spring of 2011 at the University of Tulsa.  Its purpose is to capture the essence of Muldrow in 2011, pay tribute to our town's past, and preserve this information for the future.  I specifically am focused on things that might be threatened in the name of "progress," though I am now interpreting this change very broadly.  Whether it's shrinking rural land, classic buildings being torn down, or fields being turned into housing editions, Muldrow is changing, and we all have a duty to future generations to show them what life is like for us now.

Please feel free to contribute.  Hopefully this website will continue long after I graduate from TU.  This isn't just my project, it's our project.

-Danni Powell, Muldrow High School Class of 2007